Publication Date: 8/1/74
    Pages: 8
    Date Entered: 1/5/93
    Title: In Situ Assay of Enriched Uranium Residual Holdup
    August 1974
    Part 70 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations requires
    each licensee authorized to possess more than 350 grams of contained
    U-235 to conduct a physical inventory of all special nuclear material in
    his possession at intervals not to exceed 12 months. Certain licensees
    authorized to possess more than one effective kilogram of special
    nuclear material are required to conduct measured physical inventories
    of their special nuclear materials more frequently than annually
    depending on the materials. Further, these licensees are required to
    conduct their nuclear material physical inventories in compliance with
    specific requirements set forth in Part 70. Inventory procedures
    acceptable to the Regulatory staff are detailed in Regulatory Guide
    5.13, "Conduct of Nuclear Material Physical Inventories."
    Enriched uranium residual holdup is defined as the inventory
    component remaining in and about process equipment and handling areas
    after those collection areas have been prepared for inventory. Whenever
    possible, process equipment should be designed(*) and operated so as to
    minimize the amount of holdup. This guide describes procedures
    acceptable to the Regulatory staff for the in situ assay of the residual
    uranium holdup.(**) Assay information can be used in one of two ways:
1. When the limit of error of uranium holdup is compatible with the
    plant limit of error on material unaccounted for (LEMUF), the material
    balance can be computed using the measured contents of uranium holdup.
    Additional cleanout and recovery for accountability will then not be
    (*) Design features to minimize holdup in process equipment are
    the subject of a series of Regulatory Guides.
    (**) Assay of residual plutonium holdup is the subject of
    Regulatory Guide 5.23, "In Situ Assay of Plutonium Residual Holdup."
2. When the limit of error of uranium holdup is not compatible with
    the plant LEMUF, the information obtained in the holdup survey can be
    used to locate principal uranium accumulations. Once located,
    substantial accumulations can be recovered, transforming the uranium to
    a more accurately measurable inventory component. Having reduced the
    amount of uranium holdup, the limit of error on the remeasurement of the
    remaining holdup may be sufficiently reduced to be compatible with
    overall plant LEMUF requirements.
    In situ assay guides describe methods to ensure that a measured
    value of residual holdup is included in each material balance. Because
    of unique measurement considerations, the procedures described in this
    guide for calibration and error evaluation are not consistent with
    general Regulatory guidance on those topics.
    Uranium accumulates in cracks, pores, and zones of poor
    circulation within and around process equipment. The walls of process
    vessels and associated plumbing often become coated with uranium during
    processing of solutions. Uranium also accumulates in air filters and
    associated ductwork. The absolute amounts of uranium holdup must be
    small for efficient processing and proper hazards control. However, the
    total amount of uranium holdup may be significant in the context of the
    plant material unaccounted for (MUF).
    The measurement procedures detailed in this guide are based on the
    controlled observation of gamma rays which are spontaneously emitted in
    association with the decay of U-235. To accomplish the gamma ray assay,
    it is essential to consider the facility in terms of a series of zones
    which can be independently assayed. Such zones are designated as
    "collection zones."
    Each uranium processing facility can be conceptually divided into
    a series of contiguous collection zones. Individual process machines,
    air filters, and separated item areas that can be isolated from other
    activities may be suitable discrete collection zones. For assay
    purposes, the dimensions of a discrete collection zone may not be
    compatible with assay accuracy objectives. In such cases, each discrete
    zone can be further subdivided as described in Section B.4.3 of this
    Two considerations are critical to the holdup assay. First, to
    perform an assay, the U-235 gamma rays must reach the detector and be
    detected. Second, the observed response must be attributable to the
    collection zone being assayed. Therefore, the assay scheme is
    calibrated to compensate for the poor penetrability of the U-235 gamma
    ray. Also, the detector is collimated to separate a collection zone
    from its neighboring zones and from the radiation background.
    For each gram of U-235, 185.7-keV gamma rays are emitted at a rate
    of 4.3 x 10(4) per second. This gamma ray is the only radiation emitted
    in the decay of U-235 that is useful for this assay application. Unless
    mixed with plutonium or thorium, all other gamma rays are usually
    attributable to the Compton scattering of high-energy gamma rays emitted
    by the Pa-234 daughter of U-238. The background at 185.7 keV due to
    this source of radiation varies depending on the length of time between
    the separation of the U-238 daughters from the uranium (as frequently
    occurs during conversion processes) and the assay. This interference is
    very important for low-enrichment uranium, but much less so at very
    high-enrichment values.
    On uranium recycled after exposure in a nuclear reactor, a
    sufficient quantity of U-232 or U-237 may be present to emit a
    measurable amount of interfering gamma radiation.
    When uranium is mixed with thorium, the background gamma ray
    spectrum becomes much more complex. The background spectrum may vary
    because the daughters of thorium-232 can be volatilized to different
    extents during typical fuel processing.
    To accomplish gamma ray assay of enriched uranium holdup, it is
    necessary to know from separate measurements the enrichment of the
    uranium holdup and to measure the emitted 185.7-keV gamma ray with
    sufficient resolution to enable the intensity of that gamma ray to be
    determined in the presence of the interfering radiations encountered.
    2.1 Gamma Ray Detection Instruments
    Data processing electronics include a single-channel analyzer for
    the 185.7-keV photopeak, a timer-scaler unit, and a second
    single-channel analyzer used to determine the background radiation
    correction. Battery-powered gamma ray analysis systems suitable for this
    application are commercially available and can enhance operational
    convenience (Ref. 1). Methods for determining energy window settings
    are provided in References 2 and 3.
    The detection efficiency and resolution of NaI(T1) detectors are
    generally adequate for this application when the uranium is not mixed
    with plutonium or thorium. Cadmium telluride (Refs. 4 and 5) has better
    resolution than NaI and may prove adequate to resolve the 185.7-keV
    gamma ray from thorium or plutonium gamma rays. Ge(Li) and intrinsic
    germanium semi-conductor gamma-ray detectors have very high resolution
    but are less efficient than the other detector types and are more
    difficult to operate and maintain.
    Detector dimensions are selected to provide a high probability for
    detecting the 185.7-keV gamma ray. The crystal depth is chosen so that
    most of the 185.7-keV gamma rays striking the crystal will lose all
    their energy within the crystal.
    2.2 Collimators for Gamma Rays
    A shaped shield constructed of any dense nonradioactive material
    is appropriate for gamma ray collimation. More than 98% of all 185.7-keV
    gamma rays striking a 0.35-cm-thick sheet of lead are absorbed or
    The collimator will be most effective when it is concentric about
    the crystal and, for NaI detectors, the photomultiplier and the
    photomultiplier base. Extending the collimator forward of the crystal
    at least a distance equal to half the diameter of the crystal, and
    preferably the full diameter, is recommended (Refs. 2 and 3). Making
    this distance adjustable to reproducible settings will facilitate use of
    the collimated detector for a range of collection zone sites.
    2.3 Check Source for Gamma-Ray Assay
    It is important to check the operation of the detection system
    prior to each inventory sequence. An appropriate check source enables
    the stability of the assay instrument to be tested at any location.
    Such a source can be prepared by implanting a small encapsulated uranium
    source (containing ~0.5 g U) in the face of a plug of shielding
    material. The plug is shaped to fit and close the collimator channel,
    and the source is positioned to be adjacent to the crystal when the plug
    is in place. When the response from the check source remains within the
    expected value, the previous calibration data are assumed to be valid.
    If not, the energy window may have shifted, or the unit may be in need
    of repair and recalibration.
    2.4 Calibration Source for Gamma Ray Assay
    In situ holdup assay is essentially a problem of measuring the
    gamma ray emissions from uranium distributed in diverse patterns which
    may differ widely in subsequent assays of the same collection zone. The
    diverse distribution of uranium is accompanied by significant variations
    in counting geometry and in the attenuation of the 185.7-keV gamma rays.
    For these reasons, routine calibration is based on a feedback model
    described in Section B.5.3.2 of this guide. For initial assay
    operations and to verify the consistency of a previous calibration, a
    single calibration standard is used. A single calibration standard is
    contrary to general Regulatory guidance on the sufficiency of such
    standards; in this application, however, additional standards provide
    essentially no additional useful information, because geometric
    variations and differences in attenuation are typically the dominant
    sources of error. Therefore, using one standard for calibration, the
    assay response can be assumed to be directly proportional to the U-235
    content. The proportionality ratio of net counts per gram of U-235 is
    calculated by subtracting the background counts from the counts due to
    the calibration standard and dividing by the U-235 mass of the
    calibration standard. This procedure is acceptable for initial
    operations only, until calibration can be based on holdup recovery data.
    The observed assay response is compared to the response obtained
    when the zone contains a known amount of uranium. The response is
    assumed to be linearly proportional to uranium content, after
    corrections for attenuation are made (Ref. 5). To be representative of
    typical holdup situations, a calibration standard is prepared consisting
    of a uranium metal disk or an encapsulated UO(2) disk with a bed
    thickness of less than 0.2 cm. Care must be exercised in the
    preparation of the calibration standard to ensure that the amount of
    total uranium and U-235 encapsulated is known. It is important to
    measure the gamma ray attenuation through the encapsulating material and
    correct the calibration standard response to compensate for that
    attenuation. The amount of uranium encapsulated in the gamma ray
    calibration standard is selected to be representative of typical
    To ensure that each collection zone is independently assayed, it
    is necessary to screen all radiations from the detector except those
    radiations emanating from the collection zone being assayed. This is
    principally accomplished through the use of the collimators described in
    Section B.2.2. Two additional means exist to further isolate a
    collection zone.
    3.1 Detector Positioning
    When uranium is located in back of the zone under assay in another
    collection zone or in a storage facility, the detector can be positioned
    between the radiation sources or above or below the collection zone to
    isolate the zone for assay.
    3.2 Shadow Shielding
    When it is not possible to avoid interfering radiations through
    the collimator design or through choosing the detector position for
    assay, it may be possible to move a shield panel between the source of
    interfering radiations and the collimator zone under assay. If the
    shield panel is sufficiently thick and its dimensions match or exceed
    the back side of the collection zone under assay, no interfering
    radiations will penetrate through the shadow shield to the detector. A
    lead sheet 0.4 to 0.5 cm thick, which might be mounted on wheels as an
    upright panel, is generally adequate for this application.
    Each collection zone is independently calibrated, as background
    factors and the composition of each zone vary widely from zone to zone.
    A collection zone is initially calibrated through the in situ
    measurement of a known calibration standard with a correction for
    attenuation. When such a program is not possible, the initial
    calibration can be based on the calculation of the anticipated response
    or through measuring a mockup of the collection zone of interest (Refs.
    3, 6). The limit of error of the assay is then estimated through
    determining the response variation over the range of each parameter
    affecting the measurement.
    The calibration obtained through this procedure is recommended
    until a history of comparisons between predicted and recovered holdup
    quantities is developed, as described in Section B.5 of this guide.
    4.1 Detector Positioning
    On the basis of a detailed examination of the physical layout of
    the facility, some preliminary measurements are made to determine
    optimum detector positions for holdup assay. Once the assay positions
    for the detector and shadow shields are established, permanently marking
    the assay positions will ensure the reproducibility of subsequent
    4.2 Calibration Sources
    Since this assay is to measure the amount of uranium holdup, it is
    appropriate to use uranium as the calibration standard material.
    Further, as the uranium holdup will generally be distributed over a
    large surface area, it is recommended that the gamma ray calibration
    standard be fabricated to resemble this characteristic, as described in
    Section B.2 of this guide.
    4.3 Calibration Procedures
    Once the principal items containing uranium have been removed and
    the detector located in its assay position, the response to a
    calibration standard combined with the uranium already held up is
    obtained. When the collection zone is appropriately isolated, two
    factors influence the observed response to the calibration standard:
1. The location of the calibration standard within the collection
    zone, and
2. The shielding of radiations from the calibration standard caused
    by the items comprising the collection zone.
    The geometric response variation is measured by observing the
    response to the calibration standard with the standard positioned in
    various parts of the collection zone, avoiding internal items which may
    strongly attenuate the radiation emanating from the standard. When the
    collection zone consists of a hollow box, pipe, or duct, attenuation is
    either relatively uniform or negligibly small. Reference 7 describes
    procedures for the assay of columns or solution containers. The
    calibration of each collection zone then becomes a matter of
    appropriately averaging the geometric response variations (Ref. 3). The
    average response for the entire collection zone is assumed to properly
    represent that zone. If, however, it is known that uranium accumulates
    in one particular location within a collection zone, the response to the
    standard is emphasized when the standard is located near the principal
    collection site.
    (Due to database constraints, Figure B-1 is not include. Please contact
    LIS to obtain a copy.) If the item to be assayed consists of a large unit, assay
    performance may be enhanced by subdividing the unit into smaller
    contiguous measurement zones (Ref. 3). The repeat dimensions of the
    subzones are determined by measuring the response while moving the
    standard along an axis perpendicular to the detector centerline. By
    studying the response curve, the distance D is selected as the point
    beyond which sufficient activity is detected to flatten the response
    within the subzone. Each subzone will measure 2D across its face. As
    illustrated in Figure B-1, the response about the centerline is assumed
    to be symmetrical and only half the traverse is indicated. In Figure
    B-1, D is selected such that the area under the curve to the right of D
    is approximately equal to the area above the curve to the left of D
    (Area A(1) Similar or Equal Area A(2)). Note: the distance from the
    collection zone to the detector, or the distance from the crystal face
    to the end of the collimator, or both, can be varied to divide the
    collection zone into an integral number of subzones.
    To use this relationship, the detector is first positioned at
    point d and a reading is taken. Point d is the center of the first
    subzone, selected to coincide with the physical edge of the calibration
    zone. The detector is then moved a distance 2D along the traverse to
    the center point of the second subzone, and the second measurement
    taken. The cycle is repeated to include all of the larger collection
    zone. The value interpreted for calibration for each subzone
    corresponds to the maximum of the traverse across each subzone because
    the response has been flattened. The content of the entire collection
    zone is the sum of the contributions from the subzones.
    The random uncertainty components in this application are
    frequently negligible in comparison with the geometric uncertainty,
    attenuation, and, in some cases, uncertainty in the U-235 enrichment.
    When initiating this assay program, it is appropriate to estimate the
    assay uncertainty components by assuming the measured range (R(i)) of
    the i(th) fluctuation constitutes an interval with a width of four
    standard deviations, (s(i)). The midpoint of the range estimates the
    mean effect (Ref. 8).
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please LIS
    to obtain a copy.)5.1 Response Uncertainties
    5.1.1Counting Statistics
    The magnitude of the uncertainties attributable to variations in
    the geometric distribution and in the attenuation of the radiations are
    expected to dominate the total response uncertainty. The relative
    standard deviation due to counting statistics can usually be made as
    small as desired (1) through using more efficient detectors or (2) by
    extending the counting period. Having 1,000 to 10,000 net counts is
    generally sufficient for most holdup assay applications.
    5.1.2Instrument Instabilities
    Fluctuations in ambient temperature, humidity, electronic noise,
    and line voltage (for non-battery-powered electronic units) generally
    affect the stability of electronic systems. The magnitude of this
    uncertainty can be estimated by monitoring the check standard response
    and determining the range of variability as described in Section B.5 of
    this guide.
    5.1.3Geometric Uncertainty
    The geometrical variation in the observed response is measured by
    moving the calibration source within the bounds of each collection zone.
    Two cases are described. Isolated Collection Zones
    When a single unit comprises a collection zone, the standard is
    moved to all sites within the zone at which an accumulation of uranium
    might occur. With sufficient collimation, the response for the
    collection zone under investigation is independent of its neighboring
    zones. The average of the response, weighted to reflect prejudgements on
    the likelihood of accumulation sites, is then used as the calibration
    point. As shown in Section 5, the range of values can be assumed to
    comprise an expectation interval four standard deviations wide. The
    geometric uncertainty is then estimated using Equation 1. Overlapping Collection Zones
    When a collection zone is subdivided into overlapping subzones,
    the geometric uncertainty due to the dimension perpendicular to the
    detector collection zone centerline is eliminated through the
    area-averaging calibration method described in Section B.4.3. The
    uncertainty in the depth dimension in each subzone can be determined
    through the procedure outlined for isolated collection zones. Judgment
    can be used to weight the calibration data to emphasize principal
    accumulation sites.
    5.1.4Attenuation Uncertainty
    To obtain useful assay results by detecting the 185.7-keV gamma
    ray, it is necessary to correct each assay for attenuation of the signal
    either within the uranium holdup material or by structural materials.
    Without this critical correction, the assay is essentially worthless.
    Details for establishing an appropriate attenuation correction are given
    in Laboratory Exercise #4 of Reference 3.
    5.2 Interpretation Uncertainties
    5.2.1Calibration Standard
    The calibration standard may be fabricated of uranium that differs
    from the uranium holdup in enrichment, chemical form, matrix, and total
    quantity. During initial operations, these potential sources of bias
    can be compensated by calculating the change in response due to each
    variation or by measuring the response variations through appropriate
    experimental mockups. When the assay is calibrated based on holdup
    recovery data, the effects of these error sources will be included in
    the calibration and error estimation.
    5.2.2Interfering Radiations
    An uncertainty in the observed gamma ray response may arise due to
    the presence of extraneous gamma ray emitters or due to fluctuations in
    the background from the Compton scattering of higher-energy gamma rays.
    In particular, when uranium is mixed with thorium or plutonium, special
    precautions must be taken to compensate for variable blend ratios and
    the disrupted equilibrium of radioactive daughter products. Extraneous
    low-energy radiations can be suppressed by covering the crystal face
    with an appropriate filter (e.g., 0.75mm of cadmium).
    5.2.3Enrichment Uncertainty
    If the process equipment is thoroughly cleaned each time the
    enrichment of the uranium feed is changed, the holdup will consist
    primarily of the current material. New calibration standards can be
    prepared or the previous yield data can be normalized to correct for
    enrichment changes. When mixing occurs, use of the stream-averaged
    enrichment is appropriate. The uncertainty bounds are estimated by
    considering the batches of highest and lowest enrichment and computing
    the corresponding range.
    5.3 Holdup and Its Associated Uncertainty
    5.3.1Initial Operations
    During the initial phase of operations, the error associated with
    the in situ assay of uranium holdup is estimated as the square root of
    the combined component mean-square uncertainties determined in Sections
    B.5.1 and B.5.2.
    5.3.2Routine Operations
    To ensure the validity of assay predictions and to realistically
    estimate the uncertainty in those predictions, the amount of uranium
    recovered when a collection zone is cleaned out can be used. By
    comparing the amount of uranium recovered to the recovery amount
    predicted through the in situ assay, the collection zone calibration is
    updated and the assay uncertainty is based on relevant data.
    The update data is computed as the difference in the assays before
    and after cleanout:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.) The difference (delta) in assay and recovery,
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.)is then computed.
    The standard deviation in the delta values (s(delta)) is computed
    separately for each collection zone, including no more than the twelve
    preceding measurement tests:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.) When a value of delta is determined, it is used to update the
    estimate s(delta). The standard deviation estimate s(delta) can be used
    to estimate the systematic error in the assay prediction for the
    collection zone for which it has been established.
    The amount of uranium collected during the cleanout of a specific
    collection zone can be assayed through sampling and chemical analysis,
    or through other applicable nondestructive assay methods.(*)C. REGULATORY POSITION
    To develop a program for the periodic in situ assay of enriched
    uranium residual holdup as an acceptable measurement method for this
    inventory component, it is necessary to consider the factors in the
    following sections.
    A plan of a uranium processing facility should be examined to
    establish independent collection zones.
1. Assay site(s) should afford a clear, unobstructed view of the
    collection zone with no other collection or storage areas in the line of
    sight of the collimator assembly. The location of the detector probe
    above or below the collection zone should be considered if an
    unobstructed side view is not possible. If an unobstructed view is not
    possible, shadow shielding should be used to isolate the collection zone
    for assay.
2. The assay site should be set back as far as possible from each
    collection zone to reach a compromise between interference from neighbor
    zones and efficient counting.
3. Each assay site should be marked with paint or colored tape on the
    floor to enable reproducible assays. The height setting for midpoint
    assay should be recorded in the measurement log corresponding to each
    assay site.
    2.1 Detector Selection
    NaI(T1) detectors are generally suitable for this application when
    the uranium is not mixed with thorium or plutonium. The crystal depth
    should be sufficient to detect a significant percentage of 185.7-keV
    gamma rays. For NaI(T1), a one-inch depth is recommended. Cadmium
    telluride, Ge(Li), or intrinsic germanium detectors should be used when
    NaI resolution is inadequate to separate the U-235 activity from
    interfering radiations.
    The crystal should be stabilized with a suitable radioactive
    source. An internal CsI seed containing Am-241 is recommended for NaI
    applications. The electronics should be capable of stabilizing on the
    reference radiation emitted by the seed.
    Two single-channel analyzers should be provided with lock-set
    energy windows. One channel should be set to admit the 185.7-keV gamma
    rays from U-235. The second channel should be set above the first
    window to provide a background correction for the assay window. The
    electronics unit should have a temperature stability of less than 0.1%
    per degree C.
    2.2 Gamma Ray Collimator
    A cylinder of shielding material such as lead should be made
    coaxial with the gamma ray detector. The end of the cylinder opposite
    the crystal should be blocked with the shielding material. The
    thickness of the collimator should be chosen to provide sufficient
    directionality for the specific facility (0.35 cm of lead thickness
    should be sufficient for most applications). The collimator sleeve
    should be adjustable over the end of the crystal to reproducible
    settings to vary the degree of collimation for different collection
    2.3 Gamma Ray Check Source
    An encapsulated uranium check source should be provided. The
    source should be small enough to be implanted in a section of shielding
    material so shaped as to close off the collimator opening. The check
    source should be positioned adjacent to the detector. The source should
    contain an amount of uranium sufficient to provide a gross count rate of
    1,000 to 10,000 counts per second in the energy region of interest.
    (*) See Regulatory Guide 5.11, "Nondestructive Assay of Special
    Nuclear Materials Contained in Scrap and Waste."
    2.4 Gamma Ray Calibration Source
    A calibration standard should be fabricated by encapsulating UO(2)
    or U metal in a disk. The total amount of uranium encapsulated should
    be closely monitored. Attenuation losses within the bed of UO(2) or U
    metal and through the encapsulating material should be measured or
    computed and the calibration standard response normalized to counts per
    gram with these corrections incorporated.
    Each collection zone should be independently calibrated when all
    in-process material has been located so that it will not influence the
    response to the calibration standards.
    3.1 Instrument Check
    The stability of the gamma ray detection system should be tested
    prior to each inventory. If the check source measurement is consistent
    with previous data (i.e., is within plus or minus two single-measurement
    standard deviations of the mean value of previous data), previously
    established calibration data should be considered valid. If the
    measurement is not consistent, the operation of the unit should be
    checked against the manufacturer's recommendations and repaired and/or
    recalibrated, as required.
    3.2 Zone Calibration
    The geometric response profile for each collection zone should be
    determined by measuring the variation in the response as a calibration
    standard is moved within the defined limits of the collection zone,
    correcting for attenuation at each point. The response variation should
    then be averaged to determine the response per gram of uranium for that
    collection zone. The averaging should be weighted to reflect known
    local accumulation sites within each collection zone. The response per
    gram should be used to directly translate the observed response to grams
    of uranium after the response is corrected for background.
    3.2.1Subzone Calibration
    When a collection zone is too large to be accurately measured in a
    single assay, the collection zone should be divided into overlapping
    subzones. The repeat dimensions of each subzone perpendicular to the
    detector-to-collection-zone line should be determined so that the
    response variation across that distance is nulled. The residual
    geometric uncertainty should be determined by measuring the response as
    a calibration standard is moved along the depth coordinate, correcting
    for attenuation. The calibrated response should then reflect the
    average of the depth response, weighted to reflect known accumulation
    4.1 Assay Log
    An assay log should be maintained. Each collection zone or
    subzone should have a separate page in the assay log, with the
    corresponding calibration derived on the page facing the assay data
    sheet. Recording space should be provided for the date of measurement,
    gross counts, corrected counts, and the corresponding grams of uranium
    from the calibration in addition to position and instrument electronic
    setting verification.
    4.2 Preassay Procedures
    Prior to inventory, the enrichment of the uranium processed during
    the current operational period should be determined. Variations in the
    gamma ray yield data from the calibration standard should be calculated.
    Either the calibration data or the predicted holdup should then be
    corrected to reflect this error.
    Prior to each inventory, the operation of the gamma-ray assay
    detection systems should be checked.
    Prior to any assay measurements, feed into the process line should
    be stopped. All in-process material should be processed through to
    forms amenable to accurate accountability. All process, scrap, and
    waste items containing uranium should be removed from the process areas
    to approved storage areas to minimize background radiations.
    4.3 Measurements
    Before assaying each collection zone, the operator should verify
    that floor location, probe height, and electronics settings correspond
    to previous measurements. All check and calibration sources should be
    sufficiently removed so as not to interfere with the measurement. Prior
    to taking a measurement, a visual check of the zone and the line of
    sight of the detector probe should be made to assure that no obvious
    changes have been made to the process area and that no unintended
    accumulations of uranium remain within the collection zone. The
    operator should initial the measurement log to assure compliance for
    each collection zone.
    When all the preceding steps have been completed, the measurement
    at each site should be taken and recorded. An attenuation correction
    measurement should be made and the corrected response should be
    converted to grams of uranium. If a high response is noted, the cause
    should be investigated. If the collection zone contains an unexpectedly
    large content of uranium, that collection zone should be cleaned to
    remove the accumulation for conversion to a more accurately accountable
    material category. After the cleanout has been completed, the zone
    should be re-assayed and the recovered material quantity used to test
    the validity of the zone calibration.
    During the initial implementation of this program, the error
    quoted for the holdup assay should be computed on the basis of
    estimating the uncertainty components as described in Sections B.5.1 and
    B.5.2 of this guide.
    Prior to the cleanout of any collection zone for whatever purpose,
    that zone should be prepared for assay and measured as described in
    Section C.4 of this guide. Following this assay the collection zone
    should be cleaned out and the collected uranium should then be assayed
    using an appropriately accurate assay method. When the collection zone
    has been cleaned and the collected uranium removed, the collection zone
    should be re-assayed. The recovered uranium should be used to update
    the calibration and, from the sixth test on, should serve as the assay
    uncertainty estimate. Separate records should be maintained for each
    collection zone to estimate the uncertainty in assaying the uranium
    During each physical inventory, the calibration in at least 10% of
    all collection zones should be updated. The zones should be selected in
    such a manner that all collection zones are updated in ten consecutive
    physical inventories. In small plants with less than ten collection
    zones, at least one zone should be updated during each physical
    To ensure that error predictions remain current, only data of the
    twelve preceding independent tests should be used to estimate the assay
1. L. A. Kull, "Catalogue of Nuclear Material Safeguards
    Instruments," BNL-17165 (August 1972).
2. R. B. Walton, et al., "Measurements of UF(6) Cylinders with
    Portable Instruments," Nucl. Technol., 21, 133 (1974).
3. R. H. Augustson and T. D. Reilly, Editors, "A Training Manual for
    Nondestructive Assay with Portable Instrumentation," LASL Report
    LA-UR-73-1525 (1974).
4. W. Higinbotham, K. Zanio, and W. A. Kutagawa, "CdTe Gamma
    Spectrometers for Nondestructive Analysis of Nuclear Fuels," IEEE
    Trans. Nucl. Science 20, 510 (1972).
5. F. Wald, R. O. Bell, H. B. Serreze, "Cadmium Telluride
    Detectors-Second Interim Technical Report," Report C00-3345-1,
    July 1972. Available through National Technical Information
    Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22151.
6. W. D. Reed, Jr., J. P. Andrews, and H. C. Keller, "A Method for
    Surveying for Uranium-235 with Limit of Error Analysis," Nucl.
    Mat. Mgmt. 2, 395 (1973).
7. M. M. Thorpe, R. B. Walton, and L. V. East, "Assay of Uranium
    Solution Storage Tanks," LASL Report LA-4794-MS (1971), pp. 14.
8. M. G. Natrella, "Experimental Statistics," National Bureau of
    Standards Handbook 91, U.S. Department of Commerce (1966). (See
    Section 2-2.4.)